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TASK 3 - Statistical Tools in Assessment


Use statistical tools to analyze classroom assessment data. You may use data from your own class. Summarize the students scores through measures of central tendency and measures of variability describe the results. Show the students scores graphically. Software may be used.

Computations are correct. Computations include Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation, and Variance. Presentation and description and of the results are accurate. The graph is appropriate for the data.


School: Philippine Global School - Abu Dhabi
Address: Muroor Road, Abu Dhabi City, U.A.E
Date of Interview: November 5, 2019
Name of the Teacher: Ms. Daisy Pilipinas (not real name)
Subject: English      Grade: KG1

The following statistical evaluation is based on the 1st grading period of the students of Philippine Global School, Kindergarten 1 department. The Picture below is the complete statistical report of Teacher Daisy (not real name) taken in his laptop using the excell computation. The said report is highly confidential and the name of students are already edited. This presentation is for the purpose of Measuring the Central Tendency. 

Measure of Central Tendency
In statistics, a central tendency (or measure of central tendency) is a central of typical value for a propability distribution. It may also called a center or location of the distribution. Measures of Central tendency are often called averages. 

Mean, Median, Mode and Range

In this unit, you will find out how to calculate statistical quantities which summarise the important characteristics of data. The Mean, Median, and Mode are the three different ways for describing average.
  • To find the MEAN, add up all the numbers and divide by the number of numbers.

M =      Sum of the terms
            Numbers of Terms 
  • To find the MEDIAN, place all the numbers in order and select the middle number. Median is the value separating the higher half from lower half of the data. 
  • The MODE is the number which appears most often. 
  • The RANGE gives an idea for how data are spread out and is the difference between the smallest and largest values. 
  • STANDARD DEVIATION in statistics, the standard deviation is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values. A low standard deviation indicates that the values tend to be close to the mean of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that the values are spread out over a wider range. 
  • VARIANCE is the average of the squared differences from the or simply the square of the standard deviation. 

The data used for this fieldwork 3 will be the Final grades of the students for the 1st grading period (highlighted with yellow box) from which the Mean, Median, Mode, and the Measure of variation Range, Standard Deviation, Correlation, will be calculated. 


Mean = 89.74
Median = 92.36
Mode = 92.80


Range = 21.15
Variance = 31.66
Standard Deviation = 5.63


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